Rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a “nose job”, is a procedure during which the appearance and/or function of your nose is/are modified by manipulating the nasal bones and cartilages. There are two main approaches that your plastic surgeon can use to gain access to your nasal structures: 1) the closed or 2) the open approach. The two techniques are more similar than they are different but patients frequently ask questions about when one technique is the most appropriate.
Read moreClosed or Open Rhinoplasty: What is the Difference?
People commonly fear having their nose “broken” during routine cosmetic or reconstructive nasal surgery. First of all, it is not really “breaking”; it is more like “cutting”, so it is much more precise than breaking, and is much less of a big deal than you might think. Secondly, like any maneuver during rhinoplasty, cutting the bone in order to narrow the upper portion of the nose is only performed when necessary. Not everyone needs it.
When does your nose need to be broken during rhinoplasty?
Read moreDoes the nose always have to be “broken” during rhinoplasty?
The nasal septum is just a wall or partition that is inside the nose dividing the air on the right side of the nose from the air on the left side. Of course the air comes together in the back of the throat and then goes down into the lungs. The septum is not visible from the outside and usually has nothing to do with the appearance of the nose from the outside. The main problem with a deviated septum is that it can cause airway (breathing) obstruction on one or both sides of the nose. It may be surprising thing to know that approximately 80% of the population of the United States has a deviation of their nasal septum. Fortunately, most people do not experience any breathing problems and require no treatment. In cases where the deviation causes breathing problems, a septoplasty can be performed to relieve the obstruction. As mentioned above, a deviated septum usually does not affect the appearance of the nose but there are cases where the deviation causes the nose to be crooked.
Read moreDo I need a Septoplasty for my Deviated Nasal Septum?
Rhinoplasty or nose surgery has always been one of the most common cosmetic procedures. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in plastic surgery of the nose within the teenage population.
The nose is often a source of insecurity for people, but that is especially true for teenagers. Self-esteem is delicate during this critical phase of development. One comment from a peer can leave lasting scars. Some teens think that their lack of popularity is the result of a physical feature, such as the shape of their nose, even if that has nothing to do with it. And still, others feel frustrated with their noses even without the influence of social media or peer pressure. So what exactly is the difference between teenage rhinoplasty and adult nasal surgery?
What is Teenage Rhinoplasty?
Teenage rhinoplasty is the same as adult rhinoplasty except that it is performed on adolescents who may still be growing physically and are definitely still growing emotionally. The primary reason for plastic surgery on the nose in this age group is to improve the appearance (and the self-esteem) of the patients and in some cases to improve breathing at the same time.
Dr. Thorne is the Editor-in-Chief and the author of several chapters in Grabb and Smith's PLASTIC SURGERY, 7th Edition.