Thorne and Sinno, “Indications and Technique for Skin Pinch Skin Excision in the Lower Eyelids,” Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery, Chung (Ed-in-Chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA, 2019
Thorne and Sinno, “Indications and Technique for Open Rhinoplasty in Patients with Dorsal Hump and Wide Tip,” Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery, Chung (Ed-in-Chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, PA, 2019
Thorne; “Auricular Reconstruction for Microtia and Post-Traumatic Deformities,” Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery, Chung Ed., Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2018
Thorne; “Techniques and Principles in Plastic Surgery,” In Grabb and Smith’s PLASTIC SURGERY, 7th Edition, Thorne (Ed-in-chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2014
Thorne; “Ear Reconstruction,” In Grabb and Smith’s PLASTIC SURGERY, 7th Edition, Thorne (Ed-in-chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2014
Thorne; “Facelift,” In Grabb and Smith’s PLASTIC SURGERY, 7th Edition, Thorne (Ed-in-chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2014
Thorne; “Otoplasty,” In Grabb and Smith’s PLASTIC SURGERY, 7th Edition, Thorne (Ed-in-chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2014
Boutros and Thorne; “Reconstruction of Acquired Ear Defects” in Plastic Surgery: Indications and Practice, Guyuron, Eriksson, Persing et al (Eds), Elsevier, London, 2009
Thorne; “Facelift,” in Grabb and Smith’s PLASTIC SURGERY; 6th Edition, Thorne (Ed-in-Chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2007
Thorne; “Otoplasty and Ear Reconstruction,” In Grabb and Smith’s PLASTIC SURGERY, 6th Edition, Thorne (Ed-in-Chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2007
Thorne; “Principles of Plastic Surgery,” in Grabb and Smith’s PLASTIC SURGERY, 6th Edition, Thorne (Ed-in-Chief), Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2007
Thorne and Steinbrech; “Facelift and Browlift,” in Current Therapy in Plastic Surgery; McCarthy, Boutros, Galiano (Eds.), Elsevier Science, Philadelphia, PA, 2006
Thorne; “The External Ear,” in Current Therapy in Plastic Surgery; McCarthy, Boutros, Galiano (Eds.), Elsevier Science, to be published in 2004
Thorne, Kaban and Longaker, “Craniofacial Malformations,” in Gellis and Kagan’s Current Pediatric Therapy, 16th Edition; Berg, et al (Eds.), Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1997
Thorne and Aston; “Aesthetic Surgery of the Aging Face.” In Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery; 5th Edition; Aston, Beasley, Thorne (Eds.), Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, PA, 1997
Thorne, Kaban and Longaker; "Craniofacial Malformations." in Gellis and Kagan's Current Pediatric Therapy, 15th Edition, Burg, et al. (Eds.) Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1995
Aston, Thorne and Rees; "History of Facelifting," in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Rees and LaTrenta (Eds.), Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1994
Aston, Thorne and Rees; "Anatomy and Pathogenesis of the Aging Face," in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Rees and LaTrenta (Eds.), Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1994
Aston, Thorne and Rees; "Pre-operative Preparation and Evaluation," in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Rees and LaTrenta (Eds.), Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1994
Aston and Thorne; "Contemporary Rhytidectomy," in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Rees and LaTrenta (Eds.), Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1994
Aston and Thorne; "The Forehead and Brow," in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Rees and LaTrenta (Eds.), Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1994
Rees, Aston and Thorne, "Post-operative Considerations and Complications," in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Rees and LaTrenta (Eds.), Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1994
Thorne, et al; "Lower Extremity Reconstruction," in Plastic Surgery, Ed. McCarthy, Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1990
McCarthy, Thorne, and Wood-Smith; "Principles of Craniofacial Surgery: Orbital Hypertelorism," in Plastic Surgery, Ed. McCarthy, Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1990
Rees, Aston, and Thorne; "Blepharoplasty and Facialplasty," in Plastic Surgery, Ed. McCarthy, Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 1990
Aston and Thorne; "Aesthetic Surgery of the Aging Face," in Plastic Surgery, Eds. Smith and Aston, third edition, Little Brown and Co., Boston, MA, 1990